2012 Swim Coaches
Arab Swim Board interviews
applicants interested in the
summer swim coach
position each year.
Please submit your application
to the Rec Center on Main Street ASAP.
Interviews will be scheduled in April 2012.
e-mail: arabswimteam@gmail.com
2012 ARPA Swim Board Officers
Aimee Blackburn - President
Jennifer King - Vice President
Tracey Griffin - Secretary
Missy Flack - Treasurer
Penny Isom - Publicity
Eric Schomburg & Connie Alexander - District Representative
Jennifer Schomburg
Tina Monroe
Amanda Bright
General Swim Team Information
e-mail the board at arabswimteam@gmail.com
2012 ARPA Swim Team Sponsors
Contact a board member to become an
ARPA Swim Team sponsor
email arabswimteam@gmail.com

2012 Calendar
Thursday March 15th 6:30pm - Board Meeting
Arab Recreation Center - Main Street
Board Members bring your summer calendars for planning!
Thursday April 19 6:00pm - Swim Team Sign-ups
Arab Recreation Center - Main Street
Board Members should be present by 5:30 for setup!
Thursday April 26 6:00pm - Swim Team Sign-ups
Arab Recreation Center - Main Street
Board Members should be present by 5:30 for setup!
1st Place Athletics will have new team suits & supplies to purchase!