2013 County Meet
The meet and pool setup will be very similar to the way we run District (see diagram below).
All traffic will enter the pool the normal way from Shoal Creek Trail and park behind the pool in the big parking lot.
Traffic will exit this parking lot one way out of the back gate to Arad Thompson Road.
The smaller parking lot in front of the pool is reserved for swim coaches and folks running the meet.
A parking pass is required for the small parking lot.
Tents will need to be setup in the park area that is wooded and shaded and not near the horse arena.
We will have 2 concession stands near this area and a snow cone booth.
One concession stand will sell pizza, Chick-fil-a sandwiches, and drinks.
The other concession stand will sell fresh grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, BBQ sandwiches, and drinks.
The pool house concession stand will sell drinks and candy.
We have 4 restroom areas - one set in pool house, a set on outside SW corner of pool house, a set in old Rec Center, and a set near shaded park area.
The bull pen will be located behind our scoreboard in the parking lot and we will have a safe zone roped off around the parking lot between the pool including bull pen area and the old Rec Center building.
Coaches' tents willl be setup on the north side of the pool on the pool deck beside the scoring tents.
No chairs or tents will be allowed on the pool deck except those already provided.
No one besides swimmers, coaches, and judges should be inside the blue line on the pool deck.
There will be a T-shirt vendor and a swim supply vendor.
This is a 70 event with mixed relay competition meet so please make sure your swimmers know their event/heat numbers!
Warm Up Times
7:30am ARAB Lane 1-4
7:30am Guntersville Lanes 5-8
8:00am Albertville Lanes 1-4
8:00am Lanes 5-8
8:30am Coaches' Meeting
9:00am Meet Starts - Event 1
(1st Half Events 1-35)
20min warmup will begin
1st PM Warmups: Albertville Lane 1-4
Guntersville Lane 5-8
2nd PM Warmups: Arab Lane 1-3
Boaz 4-8
2nd Half Events 36 - 70
Meet Setup
(70 events Mixed Relay Competition)
Events 1-10 Individual Medley
Events 11-20 Short Freestyle
Events 21-30 Breaststroke
Events 31-35 Mixed Medley Relay
Events 36-45 Backstroke
Events 46-55 Butterfly
Events 56-65 Long Freestyle
Events 66-70 Mixed Freestyle Relay