*** 2010 ARAB SWIM Team ***
Coach Libby Rogers Coach Nathaniel Cooper
Coach Mallory Guttierrez Coach Wesley Taylor
Arab Swim Team on Facebook
Click here to become a Fan!!!

*** Madison Medal Meet Swimmers ***
Back row: Hannah Thomas, Laura Graves, Abigail Isom,
Allison Willis, Taigen Black, Tanner Bright
Front Row (L-R): Elijah Quinones, Aubrie Kennamer,
Heath Isom, Levi Kennamer
Not Pictured: Sam Graves
Medal Meet Results
2011 ARPA Swim Board Officers
Aimee Blackburn - President
Wendy Morelan - Vice President
Tracey Griffin - Secretary
Tina Willis - Treasurer
Penny Isom/Missy Flack - Publicity
Anne-Marie Graves - District Representative
Jennifer King
Jennifer Schomburg
Lesa Bellin
Tina Monroe
Amanda Bright
Renee Winslett
Christy Kennamer
e-mail the board at arabswimteam@gmail.com

* Arab RipTide swam awesome at State!! *
The Arab Tribune Article
*** 10 New Team Records set at State ***
13-14 Boys Scott Taylor 100 IM 56.61
Scott Taylor 50 Breast 29.65
Scott Taylor 100 Free 50.23
15-18 Boys Wesley Taylor 100 IM 56.47
Wesley Taylor 50 Fly 24.87
Wesley Taylor 100 Free 49.02
13-14 Girls Abigail Isom 100 IM 1:04.17
8under Boys Free Relay 1:19.18
(Heath Isom, Blake Griffin, Samuel Stewart, Tristin Vanstone)
9-10 Boys Free Relay 2:25.65
(Sam Graves, Elijah Quinones, Tanner Bright, Thomas Hall)
11-12 Girls Free Relay 2:03.41
(Allison Willis, Victoria Schomburg, Kasey Morelan, Laura Graves
*** ARPA Information ***
2010 Sports Manual
Swim Suit Rule #1
Swim Suit Rule #2